For the team at The Robert Hanselman Domestic Staffing Agency, this has proven to be one of the most unusual times we have ever experienced, much like the rest of our society. As we prepare for a comeback, it is important to remember your greatest asset is you. As an advisor to domestic candidates and […]

You know the feeling, you have been there before, when you get the mail and something besides a bill or junk mail greets you. This little spark of mail joy is different in shape from the rest, maybe an interesting color, and is labeled with someone’s handwriting. Receiving a thank you note from someone after […]

household manager florida

Learning Luxury: Architecture, Design, and Real Estate As staff working in incredible homes and amongst extremely cultured and well-traveled individuals, it is key to be able to speak their language and understand the experiences they are desiring. With a little bit of creativity, you can easily maintain familiarity with the same brands, travels, and trends […]

Household Manager, Estate Manager, domestic placement agency

Making the right decision when a Principal wants you to be a 1099 employee. Every year I receive phone calls from candidates (Butlers, House Managers, Estate Managers, etc.) who have been confronted by their potential new principal who state they want to have the staff on a 1099 employment.  This is a situation where you […]

Butler, Nannies, Robert Hanselman Domestic Agency

Congratulations, you are recognized personally and professionally as a domestic genius. When it comes to organization, perfection, and attention to detail, you have it all. As you reach that point in your career where you are ready to step into a larger role that will benefit from your skills, the options are endless, however it […]

If you are ready to add a butler or interior professional to your estate or home, a great place that the Robert Hanselman Domestic Agency works alongside with for great candidates is the yachting industry. It should come as no surprise that many of our candidates have spent time in the yachting industry as they […]